Did you know?
Our Loyalty Program allows you to earn points at John Russell Brewing Company Brew House & Restaurant as well as all U Pick 6 Pubs! Visit any of our other locations & let them know you are a member to earn your points!
Tap House | Downtown Erie
Public House | West Millcreek
Harbor House | Harborcreek

how it works:
Your Rewards are earned by points, which is equal to dollars spent (1 point = $1 spent)
Every 200 points earned:: $10 Reward (automatically loaded to your account)
Birthday Reward:: $10 Reward
Receive Additional Rewards & Incentives emailed to you throughout the year.
Start Earning Rewards. Sign Up Now.
*Some restrictions apply. Points cannot be earned for items already discounted or on special. Points are rewarded on all purchases, excluding alcohol & gift card purchases. Rewards are not redeemable towards alcohol & gift card purchases.
*As a member of U Pick 6 Loyalty Birthday Rewards, you will receive one $10 reward for your birthday on your loyalty account. This reward is valid 3 days before, on your birthday or 3 days after. This reward will automatically be applied to your check.
*Current member accounts have been automatically transferred to the new program.